contact kim


Int: +61 402400497

Postal Address: 
PO Box 1387
Oxenford, 4210
QLD, Australia


1030A Australia Fair Shopping Centre
42 Marine Pde, Southport 4215

KK Prestige Property Team strives to provide the highest quality of
service to all clients while making each transaction profitable,
professional, successful, and stress-free as possible.

At KK Prestige we cover most aspects of real estate all over Qld.

From blocks of land, residential- First homeowners to Mansions,
investments, blocks of units to development sites, full building towers
and businesses.
Kim Kirkby Principal and Off-market Specialist 0402 400 497
Lauren Zanelli Office Administration 0401 171 577
Andrew Bluett Residential and Businesses 0434 552 550
Manny Singh Brisbane Office 0468 861 111